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Tag: Physics

Earth in the Flativerse: A Two-Dimensional Universe

Earth in the Flativerse: A Two-Dimensional Universe

Preface: Inspired by the countless imaginative works of science fiction I’ve come across, I decided to engage in some of my own science-based speculation. I wrote the following after pondering about what the Earth would be like in a two-dimensional universe, and I thought it might be an interesting read! This is quite different from my usual posts, in the sense that most of my claims aren’t followed with rigorous equations to back them up; I did, however try to…

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Rolling Axles

Rolling Axles

1. Introduction While browsing YouTube one day, I came across a video covering a problem from the 2016 JEE Advanced physics exam, an engineering entrance exam in India. The problem had several parts connecting to the following physical setup: In its simplest form, we can consider a circular wheel of radius connected by its center to one end of a rigid rod of length , with the other end fixed on the ground. The wheel is able to roll without…

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